Sunday, December 5, 2010

Myakka City Christmas Parade

I'm hungry
I'm thirsty
I'm sleepy

Whose cranium is this?
I'm put out
Itsy bitsy spider
Whose nose is under the hood?
Clean elbows
Now is not the time for this

This is attention?
Matt is happy, Carissa is not happy

Yes, Mom and Dad, thank you for those braces

Another flute player that's turned around

Uh. . . Kelsey?

Nate knows which way is up

Happy to be ahead of  the horses
That's better

Not happy to be ahead of the horses

Matt Brown is happy

 Seery is watching  Mom drive off with his pickup

Yes, her hat is on straight
Irene-You're in line!   Great job!

Headed south-so typical

After the parade

Flags on the right

Flags on the left