I'm hungry |
I'm thirsty |
I'm sleepy |
Whose cranium is this? |
I'm put out |
Itsy bitsy spider |
Whose nose is under the hood? |
Clean elbows |
Now is not the time for this |
This is attention? |
Matt is happy, Carissa is not happy |
Yes, Mom and Dad, thank you for those braces |
Another flute player that's turned around |
Uh. . . Kelsey? |
Nate knows which way is up |
Happy to be ahead of the horses |
That's better |
Not happy to be ahead of the horses |
Matt Brown is happy |
Seery is watching Mom drive off with his pickup |
Yes, her hat is on straight |
Irene-You're in line! Great job! |
Headed south-so typical |
After the parade |
Flags on the right |
Flags on the left |